Copyright © 2008 Practical Management, LLC
On Line Financial and Consultancy Services.
Determine Important and Urgent Issues. Define desired Outcomes
Correct Immediate Issues and Develop Sustainable Business Processes
Remain Focused and on Task via powerful and private weekly on-line
A Practical Approah to Business Success
- We will personnally meet with you and determine the most urgent issues impacting your financial position.
- We will benchmark your company performance to industry averages.
- We will interview your staff to gain insight into your organization's effectiveness.
- We review your company accounting and computer systems.
- A confidential report will be presented to you with no obligation.
- You will benefit from a business plan with clear measurements and time frames.
- We provide the tools and resources to solve the issues that you want corrected.
- We stand shoulder to shoulder with you as you take the steps to change what must be changed.
- Using your accounting data we will develop meaningful business intelligence to measure progress and improve employee production.
- You will forever benefit from a dashboard report that tracks employee progress toward the goals you have identified.
- Using on screen collaboration we review your progress and support your efforts.
- We are available to participate in management meetings to assist the organization in the implementation of the practices and strategies.
- In addition you will receive quarterly progress reports of your financial condition.